Samantha Gilmore
Sam is the Assistant Professor of Homiletics at Wartburg Theological Seminary (Dubuque, IA). Her research focuses on vulnerability as an essential dynamic for preaching that may be fostered through theologically alert, embodied voice training in the preaching classroom. She is an active member of the Performance Studies Workgroup of the Academy of Homiletics.
Sam has also taught voice and speech at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts, and Tom Todoroff Studio (New York, NY), in addition to teaching homiletics at the General Theological Seminary (New York, NY) and speech communication at Princeton Theological Seminary (Princeton, NJ). As a teacher, she brings an interdisciplinary sensibility and a sensitivity to the student’s individual needs, the material at hand, and the context for which the student is preparing. She provides a balance of rigor and support, which creates space for students to take risks without bypassing the disciplined, slow learning required for the development of an embodied voice that allows each word to become enfleshed, revealed to the listener.
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