The Progression Ditty
Kristin performs a her 'Voice Ditty' of The Progression Ditty
(Audio - Voice only) Enjoy. Please click on the image.
Spine aligned Now I find My body-mind
A soundless sigh
Don't ask why
Then sign with sound
From the ground
Lips hum
Bones thrum
Shake them loose
Stretch and yawn
As if new-born
Shake the jaw -
Loose - it's the law!
Soft palate and tongue -
There are notes to be sung
Then - the resonators
Chest, mouth, teeth vibrators
Call out "Hey, bro!"
Swing a rainbow
The ribs get a stretch
(please don't kvetch!)
We visit the sinus
More or less - plus or minus
Then nasal and skull -
Range is not dull
Three octaves expression
Will make an impression
Lips and tongue start to play
Once again - a new day!
My voice is free!
Rejoice! It's Me!!
What's next?
Oh yes - the text.
Learn it by heart -
That's the start of the art
Ask why and who
6 questions will do
Where, how, when,
WHY, WHY - and then -
The 5 essential P's
I know about these
I am being
I am seeing
I'm transforming
Not performing
Please don't laughski)
I will practise
And I'll act this
I'll say
And I'll pray
This litany each day
Know it
Don't show it
Don't spill it
You'll kill it
(While you're about it
You could, just once, shout it)
Then - contain it
Maintain it
Don't explain it
Believe it
And breathe it
Feel it
Reveal it.
I'll say
And pray
This prayer
Each day To crack this I must practise
Kristin Linklater