Why are you interested in voice?
Professionally? Personally? Psychologically? Politically?
Yes - the subject of voice covers all these bases...
Professionally: Is the quality of your voice holding you back from success or promotion? If you are a business woman—are you still sounding like a child with a thin, nasal or breathy voice? If you are a business man—is your voice dull though your ideas are exciting? At the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre, you can discover the inherent power of vocal communication and use it creatively to achieve your goals.
Personally: are you happy with how you express yourself to your family and friends? Can you speak honestly when you want to? Linklater Voice training will help you answer these questions and solve the root problems in your personal communications. Perhaps your philosophy has been to be seen and not heard? Perhaps it is time to be seen and to be heard with the help of the Linklater Voice Method.
Psychologically: is your voice caught in old, protective tones of justification, well-developed prevarication, false strength, pretended weakness, unreal brightness, breathy defensiveness? These tensions in vocal behaviour can be relaxed and you can regain the fullness of your naturally expressive voice with the Linklater Voice Method.
Politically: Does it matter if I speak out in my community? (Whether my community is personal or professional or more). What do I want to say and how do I best convey the issues and the conviction I have? The Linklater Voice Method will equip and inspire you to speak to and for your community. Exploring your voice is a Pandora’s Box of possibilities!