The Fran Bennett Scholarship
Through the Kristin Linklater Voice Foundation, the Fran Bennett Scholarship provides financial support to students primarily of colour to attend Linklater Voice Method residential and online workshops at the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre in Orkney.
To Donate
US Supporters: To make a donation to the Fran Bennett Scholarship, via the British Schools and Universities Foundation, please click HERE to download and complete the transmittal form or contact iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
UK, International and Non-US Supporters: To make a donation to the Fran Bennett Scholarship, please click HERE or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To Apply for the Fran Bennett Scholarship
The Fran Bennett Scholarship provides financial support to students primarily of colour to attend Linklater Voice Method residential workshops at the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre in Orkney. Submission dates are at the end of each calendar quarter (ie: 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December). Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the application pack.
Fran Bennett Memorial Celebration
On Saturday 20 November 2021, an online celebration of Fran Bennett's life was held. With recordings and words from dear friends and colleagues alike, as well as Fran herself, the memorial was a fitting tribute to Fran and our thanks go to Lisa Wolpe for editing the celebration.
Click HERE to view the recording.
“Kristin Linklater was one of the world’s great teachers of voice.
Kristin’s vision was that everyone, whatever their means or background, would realise their potential by freeing their natural voice.
Accordingly, our mission is to broaden access for students and teachers to learn, research, apply and teach Kristin’s voice training methods at the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre in Orkney, Scotland.”
Kristin Linklater Voice Foundation (KLVF) - Purposes & Charitable Aims
The organisation’s purposes are the advancement of arts and culture through promotion and support of the art of voice production, and the advancement of education in voice production and verbal communication through the Linklater Voice Method and by facilitating access to the work of the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre for those who may otherwise be unable to obtain access as a result of financial hardship or other disadvantage. In furtherance of those purposes, but not otherwise, the organisation will seek to carry out the following activities:
- to broaden access to Linklater Voice Workshops and Linklater Voice Teacher Designation through a Kristin Linklater Voice Foundation grant-giving programme and by giving scholarships or bursaries to those who through financial hardship or other disadvantage would be unable to obtain such access without support;
- to support and develop the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre as the international centre of excellence in Linklater Voice study by ensuring access to residential workshops for people of all levels of skill and ability, and by delivering continuing professional development, mentoring and teacher training;
- to develop and coordinate the Kristin Linklater Teacher Designation Programme;
- to organise and drive Kristin Linklater Voice Foundation fundraising initiatives in support of our mission, our purposes and grant-giving programme;
- to formulate, monitor and represent the Kristin Linklater Voice Foundation’s Diversity, Accessibility & Inclusivity strategies, policies and objectives through all our work and endeavours;
- to act as the focal point for the international Linklater Voice Community;
- to act as custodians and administrator for the Linklater Voice (i) brand, (ii) licencing and (iii) trademarks; and
- to act as custodians and curators of the Kristin Linklater Archives.
Kristin Linklater Voice Foundation (KLVF) is a Registered Scottish Charity, SC051290 with a Registered Office of: Upper Housegarth, Quoyloo, Sandwick, Orkney, KW16 3LY
To Donate
For US taxpayers, KLVF has been granted 'Approved Institution' status with British Schools & Universities Foundation (BSUF). This relationship ensures that any support you provide to KLVF, through making a donation to BSUF and expressing a preference to support KLVF, is commission-free.
US Supporters: To make a donation to KLVF, via the British Schools and Universities Foundation, please click HERE to download and complete the transmittal form or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
UK, International and Non-US Supporters: To make a donation to KLVF, please click HERE or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"...And into this nothingness the next breath enters, drawing in a sense, the future into the present." - Kristin Linklater
The Kristin Linklater Voice Centre (KLVC) in Orkney is Kristin's home and the place she considered to be the foundational home of her teaching and voice methodology. Our Mission is to keep the KLVC a vibrant and accessible on-going research destination for voice exploration through teacher training and voice workshops for all people.
In keeping with Kristin's humane and relentless pursuit of scrupulous self-examination, we, the teachers of her work, are committed to increasing our community with Black, Indigenous and People of Color, i.e. cultural and specific geographical identities (BIPOC). The Kristin Linklater Voice Centre is committed more than ever to continue the embodiment of Kristin’s passionate embrace of every voice rising up, celebrating inherent differences, and speaking truth wherever needed, thus creating a more vital and larger rainbow of voices within the Linklater teaching and learning community. Let it be known that the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre, the Kristin Linklater Voice Foundation, and the Linklater Voice Community stand against all forms of hatred and injustices inflicted upon any religious, racial, cultural, physical ability and LGBTQ+ groups.
"The mind is reluctant to embrace deep changes and will play devious games to maintain the status quo" - Kristin Linklater